Planning for Retirement

Actually, don't plan on retirement. Just plan on changing how you work, when you work, and what you want to do FOR work. Because it's simply a fact of life that every human works, no matter what the job is. And we change HOW we work every decade, from our teen years to our free years (free to do whatever the hell you want). "Retirement wasn’t working for Dwayne. A deliberate, thoughtful man, Dwayne spent 25 years with a Fortune 500 company rising through the ranks to Company Vice President of Logistics. When he retired, Dwayne expected to fall easily into a life of leisure – rising late, doing what he wanted when he wanted, and traveling frequently with his wife Mary. Now, three months post-retirement, he finds his days endlessly boring, spent mostly sleeping or watching television. He doesn’t like golf, gardening is too hot, and Mary has her own activities which don’t include him. As many retirees discover, leaving one life to begin another is difficult...